
Lagom is a Swedish word with no direct English equivalent, meaning "just the right amount"

Lagom, a Jekyll blog theme with just the right amount of style.

  • Responsive, based on Skeleton
  • Font Awesome for icons
  • Open Sans from Google web fonts
  • Built-in Atom feed

Action Shots


  • [Fork this repository][fork]
  • Clone it: git clone
  • Install the [GitHub Pages gem][pages] (includes Jekyll): bundle install
  • Run the jekyll server: jekyll serve

You should have a server up and running locally at http://localhost:4000.


Next you'll want to change a few things. Most of them can be changed directly in
[theme.yml][config]. That's where you can add your social links, change the accent
color, stuff like that.

There's a few other places that you'll want to change, too:

  • [CNAME][cname]: If you're using this on GitHub Pages with a custom domain name,
    you'll want to change this to be the domain you're going to use. All that should
    be in here is a domain name on the first line and nothing else (like:
  • [favicon.png][favicon]: This is the icon in your browser's address bar. You should
    change it to whatever you'd like.
  • [logo.png][logo]: A square-ish image that appears in the upper-left corner
