Long Haul is a minimal jekyll theme built with SASS / GULP / BROWSERSYNC / AUTOPREFIXER and focuses on long form blog posts. It is meant to be used as a starting point for a jekyll blog/website.

If you really enjoy Long Haul and want to give me credit somewhere on the internet send or tweet out your experience with Long Haul and tag me @brianmaierjr.
- Minimal, Type Focused Design
- SVG Social Icons
- Responsive Nav Menu
- XML Feed for RSS Readers
- Contact Form via Formspree
- 5 Post Loop with excerpt on Home Page
- Previous / Next Post Navigation
- Estimated Reading Time for posts
- Stylish Drop Cap on posts
- A Better Type Scale for all devices
- Install Jekyll
- Fork the Long Haul repo
- Clone it
- Install Bundler
- Run
bundle install
- Install gulp dependencies by running
npm install
- Run Jekyll and watch files by running
bundle exec gulp
- Customize and watch the magic happen!
Site Settings
The main settings can be found inside the _config.yml
- title: title of your site
- description: description of your site
- url: your url
- paginate: the amount of posts displayed on homepage
- navigation: these are the links in the main site navigation
- social diverse social media usernames (optional)
- google_analytics Google Analytics key (optional)
Looking for Support or Custom Solutions?
We specialize in creating stunning, fully-customized Jekyll websites tailored to your needs.
If you need assistance with setup, customization, or support, don't hesitate to contact us.